2011년 3월 2일 수요일

Man of the Year

Man of the Year

Mark Zuckerberg may, in some respect, deserve to be 2010 Time, the Person of the Year.


Kim family of North Korea should be the Person of the Year

I. (Support) Happenings of 2010
A.     Chun Ahn Ham incident on 2010. 03. 26_ On the Attack Against ROK Ship Cheonan

B.     Yeonpyeong Island 2010. 11. 23

C.     Succession of power _ Kim il-sung à Kim Jong Il à Kim Jong-un (now the third)

D.     Devastating situations of North Korea_ from wealthy class to bottomless class

(The picture above is a picture of a 24 years old woman)

E.      Development of nuclear weapon & ICBM

2. Mark Zuckerberg did not deserve 2010 Person of the Year because…

p.s. only thought note ;; some pictures,,

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