2011년 4월 5일 화요일

Chain Writing

What Kind of Book Is This?

“Wake Up!”
My mother woke me up. She just cannot stand me sleeping over 10 even on weekends. Since she would keep yelling at me until I wake up, I gave up sleeping and went down. On the way down the stairs, smell of pancakes captivated me.
“I love you mom! How did you know I wanted pancake!” said I.
“Silly! Come on down and eat your pancakes. Oh, by the way, don’t you have to hurry up? Doesn’t the bookstore start at 8? You said you need to buy a book yesterday.” said my mother.
“Right! I was completely forgetting about it! Thanks mom! I think I have to run!” said I.
“What about the pancake?” said my mother.
“I’ll take care of them later!” said I.

As soon as I came out of the room, I started to run. I needed to go as fast as I could to “el Libros”, the secondhand bookstore in our town. Jack, the owner of the bookstore, had told me that new books will come out yesterday. No, it’s tomorrow now. Since the master in the bookstore always censored all the books before he sells any of them, he exhibited new books once in a month. And today it the day!

“Hello? Jack, are you there?” said I.

I looked around. Although the door of the store was opened, I couldn’t sense anyone’s presence. It was weird. Jack usually doesn’t leave his store emptied. So I started to look around the shop. There was a pile of books for sale and also, for disposal.
I used to not give any attention to those pile of books for disposal, because I believe Jack’s eye. However, it was different this time. There was one book that caught my sight. It was an old book. I walked slowly toward the book and grabbed it, and started reading.

In the future, the boy will be a “successful” playboy. He is the most talkative person ever known. Especially he loves to talk with girls.

“What are you doing?” said Jack.
“Oh, you were there! Nothing! I was just looking around.” said I.
“I see, you were checking the new books! Well, then throw away the one you grabbed. That’s a trash. The story is not even half finished.” said Jack.
“Is it? That’s pathetic. I thought it would be fun. You know, I have this innate ability to find the books that are entertaining, and this book touched my sensor.” said I.
“Stop that foolish joke. However, if you want that one, you can just have it. No one will buy that piece of junk anyways.” said Jack.
“Really? Thanks Jack! I really appreciate it!” said I.
“Just take it as a present for regulars.” said Jack.
I quickly returned to home after. Being too excited about getting the book, I couldn’t shop any more. I lied on my bed and started reading the book.

He talks a lot. Yes, he even talks much more than most girls at his age. His dream since he was young was to become the most “successful” playboy in the world. The call log of his phone was always full of girls or he hoped so. He never thought that he would become a man who only looks up to one person like people in television series. He thought that was the stupidest thing to do until one day, when met this girl. This girl he met was tall and talkative. She was very, very talkative, more than a person could imagine.

Suddenly, I recalled someone’s face. There was a boy named Nicolas Black who recently transferred to our school. Since he was not only handsome, but also good at sports, music, math and everything, he became popular among our high school within a week. Yeah.. Nick’s very talkative, and his call log must be filled with many girls, seeing that many girls were dying to get his phone number. Nevertheless, I didn’t really like him. He acted weird in front of me. Unlike usual, he froze and never really talked to me. Weird guy.
Oops! Oh my god. I was totally forgetting about my homework! Ha, thanks to him that he reminded me of chemistry homework that I have to do with him, though he didn’t intended. It would take years to finish it. Poor me.

Next day, a weird thing happened. As I stepped into the chemistry class, Nick said Hello to me. He never really talked to me before. I was a little hesitated, but I answered “Hello?” Then, so suddenly Nick started to talk. Yes, he talked for an hour long during chemistry class. How can a person be so noisy and irritating? I could not concentrate on the class at all! One odd thing was, however, that he asked my phone number. He’s probably making a collection with the names of girls. He even told me to call him Nick. Oh, that makes two odd things.

During the lunchtime, I took the book out of the back and read it. I thought the story was silly yesterday; but as I read it, now it scared me.

That’s when the boy realized, with great fancy in his mind, that he is going to fall for this girl. Encountering a figure that he had never dared to imagine was a turning point and a serious one too. So one day, he said “Hello?” to the girl. Then, answered a high-pitched voice “Hello?” The boy froze, for he had not expected the girl to answer him so brightly. But for the boy, there was no such thing as a ‘frozen moment.’ He began to talk soon enough, spitting out words like a stream without even knowing what he was saying.

Wow. Some of the story seemed to fit my situation now, although one thing, that the boy liked the girl, did not seemed to be true for me. Rather than love, he would hate me at best judging from the fact that he ignores me most of the time. Damn, the ring rang, I have to go now.
(After the school ended)
I was working on my art project. Suddenly, my cell phone rang.

“Hey, what’s up? It’s Nick. Are you busy right now?” said Nick.
“I was doing my art project, but yes, I do have some spare time. What’s up?”
“Nothing special, it’s just……………………”
“What? I can’t hear you. Hey! Nick! Is he off the phone?”

I just hung up and continued my drawing. Later in the night, I began reading the book again. Usually, if I start reading a book, I finish it or at least almost finish the book at once. However, there had been many interruptions on reading this one.

           Later in the day, he called the girl and talked about everything. But there was something very weird about the phone line of the girl’s house phone. It was making a weird beeping voice all along. Just then, the boy realized: the girl was teasing him.

           Would it sound lunatic if I say that I think the story seem to be so similar to what I have experienced today? Never mind, how on earth such thing could happen. It must be coincidence. Besides, the story was really attracting me now. I kept reading the book until the end.

The boy was frustrated and he thought about his love. ‘Although my love for her is really pure, she does not realize. No, she does not even see me as a friend!’ The boy was horrified. The boy wanted the girl to realize his love. Therefore, on White Day, the boy planned to give handful candy and flower to her with a poem. He heard advice from HJ, who has girlfriend, and HJ advised the boy to sing a song with guitar. The time has come, the boy called the girl to meet privately. But she answered “No.” The boy was frustrated. However, he was not the boy of weak determination. Since then, he called her four times a day for about two months. The girl finally accepted. The boy was so happy for meeting the girl. He bought a clothes, perfume, and flower for her. Then, finally, he went to the restaurant, and that was the start of the disaster.

           This was it. There was no story after this. Whoever the author is, I really want to kill this person right now. How can he finish the story at such a curious point? Although I’m dying to know the next story, there was nothing I could do. Maybe, the next story would appear if the story I had just read comes to happen.

댓글 1개:

  1. Great to see you've been hard at work - completed story (sort of complete - a complete story about an incomplete book?) and a near perfect second draft of the essay. The ending is much stronger now, and it reads better. Excellent.

    As for this story, I like it. It has the makings of a romantic comedy - a girl finds a weird book, and everything she reads comes true in her own life in some indirect yet very creepy way. It might work better if the story she was reading was set in another time or specific place - maybe fantasy genre. But with what you had to work with here - you did great. Very creative and - yeah, I was hoping for an ending.~~~@@
